I love this 😊

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Beautiful, Gina. Poingant, touching, evokative of a time long past but still alive somewhere in our memory cache.

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Here's to Jeff. He bought Greetings From Asbury Park home to 1248 Waverley the day it was released. Even though I didn't really get it 'til later, i always liked being able to say that even out in California I had heard Bruce from Day One.

The only time I did the stay-all-night-in-line thing was the 1984 tour, when Bill (of all people) and I stayed over at the Oakland Coliseum for us, you and my girlfriend. Said girlfriend's favorite song was, of all things, "Stolen Car" and Bruce played it only once on the '84 and '85 tours, both times when Sharon was there.

We had our E Street swan song in a football stadium in North Carolina 20-some years later, but he was still Bruce.

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I love this so much I somehow only paused my youthful adoration for Bruce during a short time, he never changed and that is a good thing. He has always been my -- and zillions of other people's - happy place, and I love that now more than ever.

One note, Jake is Clarence's nephew not one of his many children.

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